was a strange place. Take our physiology practicals- over the course
of a year they made us collect our pee in the lab, stab ourselves and
deliver electric shocks to our arms. And then document it all. For
one experiment we had to drink one of three liquids (water, cranberry
juice or a mystery alkaline cocktail of the departments making,
eeeps) then titrate our pee. I kid you not. Can't for the life of me
remember the point, or the results, but I'll never forget the boys
competing to see who filled the biggest measuring cylinder, or the
girl who spilled her pee across the desk . I never knew her name and
forever after she was just the girl who pee'd on her practical
book...But I digress. This week I've been reminded of a physiology
blood glucose practical by an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. We skipped breakfast and took our own blood glucose, before
and after a Mars bar. The chocolate was good, the repeated stabbing
less so. Like us, the NEJM study was interested in fasting blood
glucose- the blood glucose level after 8 hours of refraining from
consuming anything other than water. Unlike us, they executed a
pretty decent study on the topic which is worth discussing here.
premise of the study is simple- elevated fasting plasma glucose is
associated with an increase risk of cardiovascular disease. It's
thought this is due to low background levels of insulin and therefore
it has been hypothesised that correcting this deficiency would reduce
cardiovascular disease. However, much of the evidence to date has
been equivocal, with no clear reduction in cardiovascular disease and
suggestions that treatment with insulin might carry an increased
cancer risk. Recently, the balance shifted in favour of tight blood
glucose with the publication of the UK Prospective Diabetes Study
(UKPDS) which found that tighter blood glucose control in new
diabetics was associated a 15% reduced risk of heart attack and a 13%
lower mortality rate. So, perhaps tight blood glucose control is
ORIGIN, the subject of our musings today. This study involved 12,537
people from 40 countries, who had elevated fasting glucose, impaired
glucose tolerance (blood glucose is higher than normal 2hr after
consuming glucose) or early Type 2 diabetes in addition to other
cardiovascular risk factors. Participants were randomly allocated to
receive either a) standard care or b) to inject insulin in addition
to their normal glucose control regime aiming for a fasting blood
glucose of 5.3 mmol/litre or less. They were then followed for 6
what did they find? Well, there was no difference between the two
groups with regards cardiovascular outcomes (including stroke and
heart attacks), cancer or overall mortality. However, they did find
that the insulin group were less likely than the standard group to
develop Type 2 diabetes (30% vs 35% at 100days after the end of the
trial, p=0.05). So, aggressive blood glucose control in non-diabetics
with raised fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance doesn't
make a jot of difference to mortality at 6 years, but it might make
you less likely to develop diabetes. Yay? Well, the downside was the
insulin group were more likely to experience symptoms from low blood
glucose (hypoglycaemia), which include shakiness, anxiety, headache
and nausea. 57% of the insulin group experienced at least one episode
of symptomatic hypolycaemia, compared to 25% of the standard group.
The insulin group also experienced weight gain (median gain 1.6kg)
which the standard group did not (median loss of 0.5kg).
the study has its limitations- it's male dominated (65% of
participants) and only includes the over 50s, making it hard to know
how applicable it is to younger people and women. They only followed
up for 6 years which isn't a very long time to catch relatively rare
events. Plus only 44% of the eligible insulin group and 47% of the
eligible standard group returned to be tested for diabetes at the 100
day point, which leaves a hefty chunk of unknown outcomes. 11% of the
non-insulin group ended up taking insulin which further confuses the
results. Also there's a depressingly epic list of investigators paid
by pharmaceutical companies and the study itself was industry funded
by the make of the insulin used. Nuff said.
the overriding, screaming question for me is would you stab yourself
every day, probably put on weight and suffer hypoglycaemia for the
possibility that you might be one of the people who doesn't
develop diabetes by doing all that? You have to be really motivated.
The individuals selected for this trial were motivated and supported-
they all said they were up for injecting insulin and they
subsequently received regular contact from the trial organisers which
can support people to stick with medications. Even in this
environment 1 in 5 of those allocated to insulin had ditched it by
the end of 5 years.
comes with a host of awful complications- leg ulcers, kidney damage,
eye damage. I know all this, but I'm still not sure I'd be up for
daily insulin to moderately dial down my risk of getting diabetes.
But then I paid tuition fees to collect my own pee and stab and
electrocute myself, so perhaps sensible life choices are not my
forte... What would you do?
Insulin and Cardiovascular and Other Outcomes in Dysglycemia.The
ORIGIN Trial Investigators. N Engl J Med 2012; 367:319-328
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